


Aditional Didactic Materials

First we refer to site of 4 videos playing Excell simulations with different types of dice rolls. Further connection with the chi-squared distributions can be found in the same site (software prepared by DK partner).

The open minded approach and variety of attractive materials proposed during the course had very interesting result expressed with the develpment of mathematical projects by the students following the E - course.

One can find all projects devoped by
In a separate site one can get more information about 35 projects developed by Italian students.

The work of Marco Ferrigo (student at University of Pisa) published in the proceedings of Nitra conference is one typical example for the results and explorations of the e-book after the end of e-course. It is based on an open problem proposed in the e-book. In the case of Diophantine equations with 3 variables the problem is completely solved in the work of Ferrigo. The topic attracted the interests of some motivated students in mathematics at the University of Pisa in the beginning of the standard lecture course in October 2013. A preprint on the subject can be dowloaded. Further extention is connected with the Napoleon problem, namely the generalization for the case of Napoleon polygons is considered and the article is accepted for publication in American Mathematical Monthly. Another interesting output in the short period after the end of the e-course was the project of Gergana Georgieva (BG student): Crimes and Probability, awarded at the session of HSSI


Dieses Projekt wurde mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission im Rahmen des Programms für Lebenslanges Lernen unter Projektnummer 510028-LLP-1-2010-1-IT-COMENIUS-CMP finanziert. Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser Veröffentlichung tragen allein die Verfasser; die Kommission haftet nicht für die weitere Verwendung der darin enthaltenen Angaben.
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