


  Keywords: Search All materials
art | calculus | complex numbers | curves | dynamical systems | extremal problems in geometry | fractals
games | geometry in reality | GPS | linear algebra | loci | modeling | polygons | statistics and probability


Arithmetic mean and normal distribution
Dynamical simulation of stochastic phenomenons with Excel
Geometry in the field using GPS
Simulation of Chi Square distribution
Finding the tall tree by GPS


Geometry of antique elements and dynamic software
Best spot - investigation with circles
The teaching by the method of didactic games in primary school
GPS Mathematics in nature
Geometry on Car Wheels
How to add infinitely looong sums ..
Geometry on the playground from the student´s view


Math problems of samurai period
Around Napoleon’s Theorem
Perimeter of harmonic triangles in ellipse
Dynamical billiards
From static to dynamical problem posing
Poncelet’s porism and periodic triangles in elipse


Investigating 2 by 2 matrices - part II
Piecewise defined functions
Investigating 2 by 2 matrices, - part I
Using sliders to investigate functions, tangents and integrals
Euclidean Eggs


Studying fine-art compositions by means of dynamic geometry constructions
Finding geometric patterns as a game of dynamic explorations
Finding geometric patterns as a game of dynamic explorations Appendix 1
Finding geometric patterns as a game of dynamic explorations Appendix 2
Finding geometric patterns as a game of dynamic explorations Appendix 3
Can Equations Be Exciting?


Fly, fly away ... and bring back data
As much as possible – extreme value tasks in Geometry
Fractals – broken with no need for repairs
GeoCaching – how to find it ... using satellites
Modelling optical lenses with Dynamic Geometry Software


Този проект се подкрепя от Европейската комисия в рамките на програмата Учене през целия живот под номер 510028-LLP-1-2010-1-IT-COMENIUS-CMP. Тази пуаликация отразява възгледите само на авторите и Комисията не носи отговорност за това как се използва информацията, която се съдържа в нея.
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