

Partner Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa, Italy

Vladimir Georgiev

Partner 1

• Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa
• Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 5
• 56127 Pisa
• Italy

Vladimir Georgiev, Department of Mathematics, contact person

Project team:
• Franco Favilli, Department of Mathematics, • Alessandra La Spina, Department of Mathematics, • Carla Spinelli, Department of Mathematics,

The Department of Mathematics "L. Tonelli" traces its roots to the glorious tradition of the school of mathematics which was formed in Pisa near the time of Italian unity. It was the first Italian school of mathematics and has long remained the true source of mathematical research in Italy. Its birth was favored by the presence of the Scuola Normale Superiore and also by the close scientific contacts which Bernhard Riemann, during his stays in Pisa (between 1863 and 1865), established with Enrico Betti and Eugenio Beltrami. Their work was continued by their many pupils, both direct and indirect. After the legal establishment of the status of Universities in Italy as training institutions for High School teachers the role of the Department of Mathematics increased and it became one of the main centres of initial training of High School teachers.

A new phenomenon in recent years is the activation of different forms of interactions and collaborations with High schools as courses (with participation of many talented students from High Schools), mathematical competitions, meetings with High Schools teachers. The Department of Mathematics has a well-developed system of International Relations. There more than 20 bilateral Socrates agreements with Universities in different countries in Europe. Recently 4 new bilateral Socrates agreements have been activated with some East European Countries. Members of the Department of Mathematics take part and organise the preparation of talented students in Mathematics for different Mathematical competitions.
Questo progetto è sostenuto dalla Comunita europea nel quadro del suo programma di apprendimento con il numero di progetto 510.028-LLP-1-2010-1-IT-COMENIUS-CMP. Questa pubblicazione rispetta esclusivamente le opinioni degli autori, e la Commissione non può essere ritenuta responsabile per qualsiasi uso delle informazioni in essa contenute.
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