



D12 Final conference

D13 International workshop for teachers and educators

D23 Final meeting of project team

Nitra, 2 days in the period September 22 – 26, 2013

Venue: Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, SK

Purpose of D12

Final project conference to present the project outcomes to members of target groups (pre- and in-service mathematics teachers, teacher trainers, mathematics educators), also allowing members of target groups to meet and get in contact with the partnership. The international workshop (together with the final conference) will allow teachers and teacher trainers to work with the materials and try out the E-Learning course, as well as discuss about them and give feedback to the partners.

Purpose of D13

Place: SK; Date: Month 36; Duration: 2 days; Participants: 13 (2 per partner + 1 evaluator) + ~50-100 national and international participants (pre- and in-service teachers, teacher trainers, mathematics educators, PhD students in mathematics education) . Attendants will receive materials (electronically or in print), then will work in groups with the materials (E - Book, E-Learning Course), try them out with their peers, discuss about them, take them to their institutions to distribute them there,

Purpose of D23

Overall project co-ordination; communication with the EACEA; attendance of meetings in Brussels; chairing meetings of the steering committee; managing financial and organisational aspects of partner 1; hosting meetings (deliverables 17, 20).


Sunday 22 September 2013

All teams will arrive. Sona Ceretkova will wait at the airport and will organize the transport from Vienna Airport-Nitra for all members of the team who arrives to Vienna. Details will be communicated via e-mail(s). Accommodation, hotel River Nitra,

Monday 23 September 2013

10:00 – 11:30 Ceremony of the Academic Year 2013-2014 Opening

11:30 – 12:30 Lunch

Programme of Final meeting of project team

13:00 – 14:30 Discussions on organization of the homepage, preparation of outputs and reports for E book, descriptions of the courses, didactic materials. Possible next steps after the end of the project.

14:45 – 16:00 Remarks from the evaluator. Concrete plans for improvement of the homepage

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Social programme – excursion, Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, Danubiana Gallery, transport to gallery probably by boat

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Final project conference and International workshop for teachers and educators

9:15-11:00 Presentations at the special conference session, Session 6.

The total number of participants can be evaluated from the pisctures of the opening ceremony.

List of registered participants includes 103 participants (see the attached file)

The final conference of the project, the project is a special conference session, Session 6.

The talks have been published in the proceedings of the Conference, the part of publications connected with Dynamat project are presented in the pdf flie

The content of Dynamat part of the proceedings is given below

Toni Chehlarova, Evgenia Sendova, Finding Geometric Patterns as a Game of Dynamic Explorations487
Evgenia Sendova, Toni Chehlarova, Studying Fine-Art Compositions by Means of Dynamic Geometry Constructions495
Andreas Ulovec Fieldwork as a Teaching Method - a Case Study Using GPS503
Marco Ferrigo, Problem Posing in Mathematical Education: Diophantine Equations and a Problem in Geogebra510
Ján Šunderlík, Eva Barcíková, Investigation with Circles518
Freyja Hreinsdóttir, Some Examples on Using Geogebra to Teach Calculus525

13:00-16:00 Round tables and discussions with teachers participating at the conference.

Possible results of D13: projects started after the end of the course and developed on the basis of the course.

The work of Marco Ferrigo (student at University of Pisa) is one typical example for the results and explorations of the e-book after the end of e-course. It is based on an open problem proposed in the e-book. In the case of Diophantine equations with 3 variables the problem is completely solved in the work of Ferrigo. The topic attracted the interests of some motivated students in mathematics at the University of Pisa in the beginning of the standard lecture course in October 2013.A preprint on the subject can be dowloaded. Further extention is connected with the Napoleon problem, namely the generalization for the case of Napoleon polygons is considered and the article is accepted for publication in American Mathematical Monthly. Another interesting output in the short period after the end of the e-course was the project of Gergana Georgieva (BG student): 5Crimes and Probability6, awarded at the session of HSSI

Summary of decisions of the Final meeting of project team:

•Partners to make final checks of course reports. If changes occur, email change to Vladimir, and put final versions on Dropbox
•Partners to put updated version of dissemination file onto Dropbox until end of October 2013. Do not forget to also report about future dissemination plans!
•Partners make final check of homepage and Dropbox content
• SK team to transfer the content of Outputs and Dissemination directories from Dropbox together with didactic materials in the homepage until end of the project .
•Upload final trip reports and receipts to administrative homepage until end of October. Don't forget to upload timesheets as well!
•AT team: Prepare last subcontract with external evaluator until [M3EaL project] meeting in Volos [14.10.2013]
•AT team to come to Pisa October 20-21, 2013, to support co-ordinator in final report preparation

MINUTES of the FINAL MEETING (confidential part)


Questo progetto è sostenuto dalla Comunita europea nel quadro del suo programma di apprendimento con il numero di progetto 510.028-LLP-1-2010-1-IT-COMENIUS-CMP. Questa pubblicazione rispetta esclusivamente le opinioni degli autori, e la Commissione non può essere ritenuta responsabile per qualsiasi uso delle informazioni in essa contenute.
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